
Peer Reviewed Publications

Book Chapters

Selected Abstracts and Presentations


Peer-Reviewed Journals

McArt, S. H., D.E. Spalinger, K.M. Kennish, and W.B. Collins. 2006. A modified method for determining tannin-protein precipitation capacity using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and microplate gel filtration. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 1367-1377.

Hobbs, N. T., J. E. Gross, L. A. Shipley, D. E. Spalinger, and B. A. Wunder. 2003. Herbivore functional response in heterogeneous environments: a contest among models. Ecology 84:666-681.

Cooper, S.M., M.K. Owens, D.E. Spalinger, and T.F. Ginnett. 2003. The architecture of shrubs after defoliation and the subsequent feeding behavior of browsers. Oikos 100: 387-393

Shipley, L. A., A. W. Illius, K. Danell, N. T. Hobbs, and D. E. Spalinger. 1999. Predicting bite size selection of mammalian herbivores: a test of a general model of diet optimization. Oikos 84: 55-68.

Etzenhouser, M. J., M. K. Owens, D. E. Spalinger, and S. B. Murden. 1998. Foraging behavior of browsing ruminants in a heterogeneous landscape. Landscape Ecology 13:55-64.

Spalinger, D. E., S. M. Cooper, D. J. Martin, and L. A. Shipley. 1997. Is social learning an important influence on foraging behavior in white-tailed deer? Journal of Wildlife Management 61:611-621.

Shipley, L. A., D. E. Spalinger, J. E. Gross, N. T. Hobbs, and B. A. Wunder. 1996. The dynamics and scaling of foraging velocity and encounter rate in mammalian herbivores. Functional Ecology 10:234-244.

Gross, J. E., C. Zank, N. T. Hobbs, and D. E. Spalinger. 1995. Movement rules for herbivores in spatially heterogeneous environments: responses to small scale pattern. Landscape Ecology 10:209-217.

Robbins, C. T., D. E. Spalinger, and W. Van Hoven. 1995. Adaptation of ruminants to browse and grass diets: are anatomical-based browser-grazer interpretations valid? Oecologia 103:208-213.

Shipley, L. A., and D. E. Spalinger. 1995. Influence of size and density of browse patches on intake rates and foraging decisions of young moose and white-tailed deer. Oecologia 104:112-121.

Shipley, L. A., J. E. Gross, D. E. Spalinger, N. T. Hobbs, and B. A. Wunder. 1994. The scaling of intake rate in mammalian herbivores. American Naturalist 143:1055-1082.

Gross, J. E., L. A. Shipley, N. T. Hobbs, D. E. Spalinger, and B. A. Wunder. 1993. Functional response of herbivores in food-concentrated patches: tests of a mechanistic model. Ecology 74:778-791.

Spalinger, D. E., C. T. Robbins, and T. A. Hanley. 1993. Adaptive rumen function in elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni ) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus ). Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:601-610.

Shipley, L. A., and D. E. Spalinger. 1992. Mechanics of browsing in dense food patches: effects of plant and animal morphology on intake rate. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70:1743-1752.

Spalinger, D. E., and N. T. Hobbs. 1992. Mechanisms of foraging in mammalian herbivores: new models of functional response. American Naturalist 140:325-348.

Spalinger, D. E., and C. T. Robbins. 1992. The dynamics of particle flow in the rumen of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) and elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). Physiological Zoology 65:379-402.

Spalinger, D. E., T. Hanley, and C. Robbins. 1988. Analysis of the functional response in foraging in the sitka black-tailed deer. Ecology 69:1166-1175.

Spalinger, D., C. Robbins, and T. Hanley. 1986. The assessment of handling time in ruminants: the effect of plant chemical and physical structure on the rate of breakdown of plant particles in the rumen of mule deer and elk. Canadian Journal of Zoology 64:312-321.

Hanley, T. A., D. E. Spalinger, K. A. Hanley, and J. W. Schoen. 1985. Relationships between fecal and rumen analyses for deer diet assessments in Southeastern Alaska. Northwest Science 59:10-16.

Wickstrom, M., C. Robbins, T. Hanley, D. Spalinger, and S. Parish. 1984. Food intake and foraging energetics of elk and mule deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:1285-1301.

Book Chapters

Spalinger, D. E. 2000. Nutritional Ecology. Pages 108-139 in S. Demarais and P. R. Krausman, editors. Ecology and management of large mammals in North America. Printice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Spalinger, D. E. 1994. Foraging behaviour of Cervids: constraints, adaptations and optimal foraging. Pages 246-261 in J. A. Milne, editor. Recent developments in deer biology. Macaulay Land use Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK.

Selected Abstracts and Presentations

Spalinger, D.E., R. G. White and P. Groves. 2002. Comparison of Rumen Fill and Rate of Passage in Reindeer and Muskoxen Fed a Common Diet: Digestive Strategies and Competitive Interactions. 53rd Arctic Science Conference, Sept. 2002, Fairbanks, AK.

Owens, M.K. and D. E. Spalinger. 2002. Geostatistical sampling design for analysis of vegetation patterns in tundra rangelands. 55th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Kansas City, MO.

Spalinger, D.E. and B. Skinner. 2002. Moose foraging constraints: implications for habitat analysis and population management. Invited lecture, US Fish and Wildlife Service. Jan. 18, 2002, Anchorage, AK.

Spalinger, D.E. 2001. Why aren’t moose bigger? Constraints on the evolution of body size. Invited Seminar, Feb. 23, 2001. Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Spalinger, D.E. and B. Skinner. 2001. All moose browse is not created equally available: an example of selective foraging by moose on the Innoko refuge, Alaska in relation to twig size and nutritional quality. 52nd Arctic Science Conference, Sept. 2001.

Spalinger, D.E., R.G. White, and P. Groves. 2001. Comparison of rumen fill and rate of passage in reindeer and muskoxen fed a common diet: digestive strategy and competitive interaction. 9th North American Caribou Conference, 23-27 April, 2001. Kuujjuaq, Quebec.

Spalinger, D.E. 2000. Moose Menus. Science for Alaskans Seminar Series, Feb. 14, 15, 2000, UAA and UAF

Provenza, F. and Spalinger, D. 1999. Foraging at the scale of the plant/patch: what have we learned? Plenary Speaker, Symposium on Ungulate Ecology and Management: Integrating across scales. Aug. 24-28, 1999. Nelson, B.C.

Owens, M.K., D.E. Spalinger, and R. Harris. 1998. Geostatistical analysis of reindeer ranges on the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve. Ecological Society of America, Aug 2-6, Baltimore, Maryland.

Owens, M.K., M.J. Etzenhouser, D.E. Spalinger and S.B. Murden. 1995. Grazing patterns of browsing ruminants in a heterogeneous landscape. Vth International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Spalinger, D.E. and M.K. Owens. 1995. Shrub morphology and grazing: The effectiveness of induced mechanical defenses. Vth International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Spalinger, D.E., S.M. Cooper, L.A. Shipley, J.E. Gross and N.T. Hobbs. 1995. The Architecture of Plants and Its Impact on Foraging Efficiency in Ungulates: A Theoretical Analysis.2nd International Arctic Ungulate Conference, 13-17 August, 1995, Fairbanks, AK.

Spalinger, D. E. 1994. Foraging behaviour of Cervids: constraints, adaptations and optimal foraging. Plenary Speaker, 3rd International Conference on the Biology of Deer, Aug. 28 - Sept. 4, 1994, Edinburgh, Scotland.

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