Opportunities for Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Graduate Student Opportunities

Undergraduate Student Opportunities


Graduate Opportunities (updated 7/27/06):

As part of a collaborative research effort between the US Forest Service (Pacific Northwest Experiment Station, the Chugach National Forest), Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the University of Alaska Anchorage, we invite applications from highly motivated and quantitatively-oriented individuals seeking an MS or a PhD in Biology to fill two graduate assistantships (split research and teaching assistantships) at the University of Alaska Anchorage. The project on which both graduate students will be working is a comparative nutritional ecology study on the famous Nelchina Basin and the Kenai Peninsula of Southcentral Alaska. The two linked studies will focus on the foraging ecology of moose and caribou on selected sites of both ranges using tame animals, and on the nutritional characterization of their ranges and diets. For more information, download the following PDF, and/or contact me:


Graduate Opportunities.pdf


Undergraduate Research Opportunities (updated 7/27/06):

We are currently recruiting for one or perhaps two undergraduate technicians for work in the laboratory this fall and spring semester. The work will consist of the preparation of samples for nutritional analysis, and, depending upon the laboratory skills of the individual, may include the chemical analysis of forages, and/or working with our captive moose in Palmer on digestive physiology. Contact me for more information on the positions.

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