Course Policies:
I will attempt to cover the materials as listed above and on the
time schedule allotted. However, I reserve the right to modify or
revise the content of the course as we proceed. In any case, the
exams will be given on the dates as listed above, and will cover
all topics through the last lecture before the exam. The exams are
not comprehensive, except for the final, of which 2/3 of the exam
will cover the material since the previous exam and the remainder
will cover material from the previous two exams. The final will
also include concepts and principles from the laboratory portion
of the course (included in the 2/3 portion). My policy for makeup
exams is that they may be composed of longer essay-type questions,
and, at my discretion, may be oral (especially those of the laboratory).
I intend that you read the assigned chapters before the scheduled
lectures in order to derive the maximum benefit from the lecture
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